Island Adventures & Sweet Potato Fries

There is nothing more soothing to my soul than a long weekend trip to the west coast of Vancouver Island to explore the ruggedly beautiful beaches.

After a fun day exploring the PNW, sweet potato “fries” hit the spot.


  • Wash and slice two large sweet potatoes
  • Arrange on baking tray
  • Drizzle with olive oil, nutritional yeast and freshly ground pepper
  • Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes


Life Lessons from a Terrier Mix

Earlier this afternoon my little Terrier, who had been running wild around a sandy beach at low tide with me, decided to chase after three huge Canadian geese.

Each goose was probably at least 10 pounds heavier than him so it was pretty funny to see him chasing after the large birds. My friend who was watching the shenanigans with me commented “I’m surprised the geese haven’t gone after him. He has no idea how small he is, does he?”

He made a good point since there were more of them, they were heavier than him and Canadian geese have been known to be fierce, hissing at and even chasing people who venture too close to them.

But I knew exactly why the geese ran from my little dog. My dog fully, unwaveringly, 100% believes he is an 80 pound pit bull. And, because of this, he has a huge, confident energy.

I’ve seen him go after large, powerful dog breeds and he never gets hurt. I think he believes so strongly in his power that other beings end up believing he is powerful too.

Imagine if we all had that kind of confidence; if we all believed that we had the power to influence our lives as much as my little pup believes. We would be unstoppable. We wouldn’t stay in less than loving relationships, we wouldn’t let our work be anything other than our passion and we would believe that we are deserving of all good things.

We would be courageous in standing up for others and ourselves and our confidence would shine. Imagine how much happier our existence would be. Add a little empathy and compassion to the mix and imagine how much happier and successful this world would be.

This thought brought to you be a stubborn, confident Terrier mix.

The Goodness of Greens

Standing on the bus today, stopped at a red light, I noticed a man in a red car idling beside us. He was wearing a suit and tie on a beautiful, hot and sunny day, looked incredibly stressed and was gulping down a salt, fat and msg laden burrito held in one hand while he drove with the other. I stared at him thinking “that food is not doing his body any good”. Next I thought about how he was gulping it down and what that would do to his digestive system. Yuck. Then I thought about how much better people look and feel when they eat a natural, un-processed, alkaline based diet. That thought led me to the question of food manufacturers and the gazillion dollar beauty industry possibly being in bed together. Think about it. If we are all addicted to junky fast food full of chemicals and preservatives, bad fats, sugar, high fructose corn syrup and msg (the last three being highly addictive), we are going to look and feel pretty bad. Then we’re probably going to go out and spend a ton of money on lotions and creams, botox and fillers in a vain attempt to look good again, and spend some really big bucks in the process. It’s not such a far-fetched idea after all. If we all started eating fresh fruit and veggies as the base for our diets (and started moving our bodies more) we would transform our health and our physiques and no longer get sucked in by the outlandish claims of the beauty industry. Sounds like freedom to me.

So what exactly are the benefits of a greens based diet?

Here they are:

  • Skin more elastic and youthful
  • Deeper more restful sleep
  • More physical energy
  • Fewer colds, headaches, flu viruses
  • Good digestion
  • Less arthritis and joint pain
  • Reduction of candida (yeast) overgrowth
  • Better bone density
  • Increased mental alertness

Definitely food for thought.

And to help you jump on the green bandwagon, here’s a recipe for easy sautéed spinach side dish:

Green Goodness Spinach

  • 2 large bunches of spinach, about 1 lb
  • Olive oil, extra virgin
  • 3 cloves garlic, sliced
  • Sea salt to taste

Even my rascally little Terrier knows how good greens are for you. Here he is dining at his grassy, all-you-can-eat salad bar..