Polar Bears & Smoothies

Happy New Year!

I had an amazing New Year’s Day doing the polar bear swim in English Bay.

Now it seems like the holidays are long gone but lots of us are still carrying reminders of all of the feasting and parties around with us in the form of soft, squishy muffin tops. And if you’re like me, the feeling of wearing too tight clothing is annoying the heck out of you and you’re thinking of ways to make your “winter weight” disappear.

A solution? Kimberly Snyder’s Glowing Green Smoothie Challenge.

Just drink one of these smoothies every morning for 14 days and, from what I’ve read, your mood will improve, your body will get sleeker, and your energy levels will skyrocket.

Interested? Join the Facebook group “Beauty Detox Group” and dust off your blender.

A little glow in January is a beautiful thing.