Berry Mandarin Smoothie Bowl 

This week, in my Raw Food Educator course, I’ve been learning how to transition healthfully and gently to a raw food diet. Im currently doing ‘Raw til 4’ which means you get to feast on Smoothies, juices, fruit, chia pudding, veggies and raw nuts until dinner, when you eat a ‘normal’ meal.

This is working out incredibly well and doesn’t shock the system the way going fully raw all at once might…As in ‘too much of a good thing’. In fact this might be the perfect ‘raw ratio’ for me. I completely believe in the health giving qualities of raw foods but I also believe in moderation..and the soul satifying qualities of some cooked food. 

Anyway, back to the recipe. Here’s a recipe for one of my breakfast bowls. It’s easy, delicious and pretty lovely to look at too.

Berry Mandarin Smoothie Bowl

  • 3 bananas
  • 1 can coconut milk
  • 2 cups frozen blueberries

Blend ingredients together and top with your favourite fresh fruit. Bon appetite.


Snowy Days and Smoothies

Vancouver has had an uncharacteristically cold, snowy and sunny winter so far this year. 

The temperatures even dipped below zero a few times, making our usually rainy city feel oddly like the rest of Canada. 

My inner Ontario girl is loving this weather but it is a little chillier than I’m used to, so I’ve been drinking a warming smoothie instead of my usual frozen fruit concoctions. Here it is..

Warm smoothie latte 

  • One scoop Vega chai protein powder
  • One tsp turmeric
  • One tsp cinnamon 
  • One cup coconut milk 

Blend all ingredients then Gently heat in a saucepan until warm. Pour into a cup or glass and warm up from Winter in Canada. Eh.

5 Reasons to Love Fruit 

Did you know that fruit is the biggest player in a healthy, kick ass, anti-aging diet? And if you want to be your healthiest, happiest self you should be eating a few serving of this sweet, juicy goodness every single day.

raspberries Here are 5 reasons why it’s so amazing:

  1. Naturally low in fat Eating fruit can help keep you slender and keep your heart healthy too.
  1. Contain lots of water. Certain fruits like watermelon contain over 90% water. Even solid looking vegetables like carrots are made up of approximately 80% water. There isn’t a more hydrating food in the world and being hydrated means better body function and younger looking skin.
  1. Low in calories. Did you know that a 100g chocolate bar contains approximately 9 (yes – 9!) times more calories than a medium sized 100g apple. You could never become overweight from eating fruit.
  1. Contains soluble fibre. This fibre forms a jelly-like substance in your stomach and helps to make you feel full. It also lets food stay longer in the stomach, which has the effect of keeping your blood glucose nice and stable over time. When blood glucose fluctuates, it causes the ‘I need something to eat NOW’ state, which causes the not-so-good food choices we can make. Fibre also helps maintain a healthy gut and prevents constipation and other digestive problems.
  1. Vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Populations who have diets rich in fruits and vegetables have lower levels of certain cancers, heart disease and stroke. Our immune system benefits as well from a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

There you have it; five excellent reasons to fill up the fruit bowl.



My word for 2017: Gentleness

Dictionary definition: “Gentleness is the quality of being kind and careful. Your gentleness with a frightened stray dog will eventually convince her to let you feed and pet her. The noun gentleness is perfect for describing the way someone acts when they are soft and calm and sweet to other people.”

We are all in this world together, doing the best we can and often our best isn’t all that great. We mess up, hurt each other (hopefully accidentally) and are just in general perfectly imperfect.

Imagine if we practiced more compassion and gave each other the benefit of the doubt more often. Imagine how we could transform the world if enough of us did that. So 2017 is my year of learning how to be gentle, with myself and with everyone around me. 

I think it’s going to be a good year 💖

Post Holiday Detox Bowl

I started this holiday season full of strength and resolve and my will power lasted quite a while. Right up until someone place a warm, fresh plate of ginger snaps under my nose. Now, after a few weeks of gooey dark chocolate, bread pudding, hot chocolate with (extra) whipped cream and 1st, 2nd and 3rd helpings of holiday meals, I’m back on the path of balance and health.

If you were a little over-indulgent this Christmas season too, here is a green, detox recipe full of vitamins and anti-oxidants to get your day off to a great start:

Detox Smoothie Bowl

  • 2 bananas
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 cup frozen mangos
  • 2 T shredded coconunt
  • 2 T hemp seeds
  • 2 T your favourite greens powder

Blend, top with mangos and coconut garnish and get back on track with this delicious and nourishing bowl!